I'm one of the many fans and supporters of your site. I just wanna give my feedback to your site. When my friends told me that they have search and found an adult site. I will check it if it is as good as your site. but when I look the contents it is the something and usual with other site. like ordinary pictures and some are faked and edited. Then I said to my friends that why don't they check your site. then they check it.

Thank you very much for the CD of Barbara. Here are my comments. I like the label on the CD with her name. She has a beautiful body, rare in the USA. Her skin tone is great. Your close-ups of her face really show how beautiful she is. She has full yet firm perfectly shaped breasts. In the USA she would have a large ass to go with it. Not her.

"...I loved watching her ass. Most videos are just pornographic. You make good videos that are very erotic. I liked every scene. I liked it when she played with herself with the nipple and the baby oil. That is a real "turn on". The shower scenes were very good. I liked it when she squatted on it. She was never able to get much in. If she was hard to work with I could not tell from the video...."

Steve Chris

Good! Thank you and try keep it more up.

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